Journal of : Vol 72, No 1
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Iron isotope fractionation in and graminaceous crops after 100 years of liming in the long-term agricultural experimental site at Berlin-Dahlem, Germany. Bei Wu, Yi Wang, Anne E. Berns, Kathlin Schweitzer, Sara L. Bauke, Roland Bol, Wulf Amelung. , Pages: 289-299. First Published: 13 February 2020.
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SOURCE: Farmer & Cowboy Magazine – soil – Jan 4, 2021 ·
NOTE: Understanding and managing tilth and soil science is essential for successful farming in the UK. By implementing the tips, expert advice, cost-effective solutions, and innovative practices outlined in this guide, UK farmers can optimize their soil management, enhance productivity, and increase profitability. Remember to stay informed, adapt to changing conditions, and continuously seek new ways to improve your farming practices. With the right approach, you can ensure the health and sustainability of your soil, leading to a prosperous farming future.
Originally posted 2024-05-28 00:00:00.
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